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This is information that we receive from our County Councillor or from Essex County Council

Dec 2022 –  Policy on temporary traffic lights for roadworks – The general policy is that on the most sensitive streets we require manual control to be put on to the permits so that the traffic is monitored and the timing of the lights changed accordingly. We also stipulate a stacking distance on all permits with lights set as the traffic management to ensure that traffic does not stack back too far. All light timings should be compliant with the DFT’s “An Introduction to the Use of Portable Vehicular Signals” which is the industry standard. With regards to the The Street Latchingdon specifically, there was a permit in place from the 23rd November, EC30035773191. This permit was ultimately revoked due to a number of breaches of permit condition.


Highways Highlights – MARCH

This is the latest information from ECC regarding Highways

HH_ Feb_23_Final


Toolkit for Highways

Here is information about reporting incidents on Highways to ECC