RECYCLING CENTRES I am pleased to confirm that the booking system for small vehicles is live and residents have already made over 1,350 bookings for the two week period starting 13 March. I am also pleased to confirm that the test of ‘same day’ bookings went smoothly at Rayleigh Recycling Centre and was well received by customers and staff alike. Therefore the extended trial will go live with customers able to make a booking up to 1 hour in advance. We have also been able to further increase visit capacity at Rayleigh Recycling Centre and to extend same day bookings to the ‘large vehicle’ trial at our nine van-friendly sites. As you would expect, we are engaging regularly with our operational teams to ensure staff are supported, and continuing our programme of resident facing communications focusing on providing residents with information on how to make a booking. In addition to on-site banners and flyers, some of the communications activities include:
Communications assets and timelines have been shared with communications colleagues in District, Borough and City councils so that they can be quickly and easily deployed in local communications. The same communications pack has been provided to the EALC for cascade to Town and Parish Councils. Contact Centre teams in District, Borough and City councils have also been briefed and provided with guidance. In late March / early April, the communications focus will move to reinforcing the ‘how to book’ messaging and to include short, digital testimonial content on residents’ experience of the booking process. I hope this is helpful, but please do let me know if you have any questions or require any further support. Regards Cllr Malcolm Buckley Portfolio Holder for Waste Reduction and Recycling