Mayland Parish Council

Neighbourhood Plan News & Recent Events 2022


What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Mayland Parish Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan and would like your views on how the Parish might change over the next ten to fifteen years.

Neighbourhood Plans are a powerful opportunity for the community to have their say and make a difference.  They can establish planning policies that shape and influence future growth and development.

But a Neighbourhood Plan can be about more than planning policies. It can also establish what improvements are required across the Parish including, for example, new infrastructure that might be required.

We began work on the Neighbourhood Plan in 2014 but progress on this was paused because of Covid. We are now restarting work on the Plan and would like you to help shape this.

A number of challenges, and opportunities, were identified through earlier consultation responses. Do these remain relevant? Are there other areas the Neighbourhood Plan should seek to address?

Please complete the survey below and let us know what you think.

Click here


What is the Focus of the Plan?

Ten objectives were prepared in response to comments and ideas put forward during earlier consultation events. These are presented below. Are they still relevant and appropriate for the Plan?

  1. Protect and improve access to the riverside, areas of importance for nature and leisure along this
  2. Improve connectivity between the village, riverside and surrounding countryside
  3. Retain the rural character of the village surrounded by green space
  4. Support improvements to Lawling park and Sports Ground, and provision of new community facilities
  5. Improve the quality of public spaces and green areas as important places for civic life and activity
  6. Support improvements to the setting of and access to the Imperial Avenue retail area
  7. Support and retain local businesses, and welcome the establishment of new businesses
  8. Provide a mix of new homes that meets local needs
  9.  Promote a network of safe walking and cycling routes
  10. Celebrate local heritage and culture in new development and local events and activities


What will the Plan say about Housing?

Maldon District Council is preparing a new Local Plan for he entire district. This will say how many homes will need to be accommodated in Mayland. At the moment it is unknown how many homes will be allocated to Mayland, though we do know that some new development  will take place.

Until we know how many homes need accommodating, the Neighbourhood Plan will not identify sites for new housing. Rather, it is proposed that criteria are established to direct any new development to the ‘most sustainable locations’. These are summarised below. Are these heading in the right direction?

  • Development should prioritise reuse of brownfield sites. Any greenfield development should be adjacent to the existing built area.
  • Development should be close to local services and community facilities to support walking and cycling.
  • Development should avoid areas of flood risk and areas of environmental value.
  • Development should not extend the village south of Steeple Road, with the busy road forming a barrier to movement.
  • Development should retain access to the riverfront and surrounding countryside.


What about the Quality of New Development?

We believe that any new development should reflect the very best qualities and character of the built and natural environment.

A Design Code will be prepared alongside the Neighbourhood Plan and establish key principles which new development will need to respond to.

Please tell us what you think the key qualities of Mayland are. What makes Mayland special?


What about Community Facilities and supporting infrastructure?

The Plan can set out what community facilities we have and should be retained or improved. It can also identify whether there are any ‘missing’ facilities or supporting infrastructure that would help make Mayland a better place to live and work.

Does Mayland have all facilities needed to support everyday activity for all ages? Where might new walking and cycling routes be provided? Could we make our streets and spaces greener?


Why do your views matter?

The Neighbourhood Plan is a Plan made for the community, by the community. We are eager to hear your views on the Neighbourhood Plan.

What do you think the future holds for the Parish? Do you agree with the objectives for the Neighbourhood Plan? Do you have any other ideas o suggestions? Please let us know by completing the survey.

Your comments will help inform planning policies and projects that will shape change in the Parish over the next ten to fifteen years.


What are the next steps?

We will continue to work with you to shape the Neighbourhood Plan for Mayland, and ask for your views on emerging policy ideas. Once the Neighbourhood Plan has been finalised, it will be subject to examination and referendum.

This entails a public vote, whereby residents of the Parish of a voting age will be able to vote on whether the Plan should come into force.

If more than 50% of voters are in favour, the Neighbourhood Plan will be formally ratified (or ‘made’) and will become a statutory document which must be considered when determining planning applications within the Parish.



Here are the posters that are going up around the village

Here is the questionnaire that will be available to pick up at The Post office in Nisa or to print off here and return to the green post box on the side of the Lawling Park Hall



Thank you to all those residents who completed our survey.  Troy Planning has analysed this information and produced a summary of what residents would like for their village.

A total of 136 responses to the questionnaire were received, equating to a response from more than ten percent of the population of the parish, or around a quarter of all households. The vast majority of responses were received from residents of the parish (134 out of 136 responses), with the others being a business / organisation in the Parish, and an employee in the Parish.

The headline is that the objectives and site criteria are broadly supported, but with the caveat that many do not wish to see any or much new development in the area, and that if new development is to come forward, it should be of a small scale well integrated with the village, local services (health care and education) need providing, and that it should not undermine the character of the village.
Some other good ideas were made too, such as improvements to the Imperial Ave retail area and maximising the relationship between the village and waterfront.

Here is the summary in full.


Documents to read

What is Neighbourhood Planning?

Synopsis of Survey Evidence – February 2016 – Update 2022

Magic Map Site Location

Troy Planning Initial Review

Initial Paper – Vision/Principles/Policies/Projects

Maylandsea Spatial Growth Principles